Pictures Thumbnails Maker Platinum v. [Warez0777]

Pictures Thumbnails Maker is a universal image organizer and thumbnail sheet generator.

Forget about deep folder-trees and image archives!
Create nice thumbnail sheets and collages to browse your archives easily.

The tool consists of:
Pictures Thumbnails Maker = MAKER
Pictures Thumbnails Viewer = VIEWER

The VIEWER is designed for opening PTX files produced by the MAKER, offering the possibility to view the original full-sized image, navigate through pictures and sheets (the history navigation is recorded), recreate a selected thumbnail without regenerating the whole sheet and more. 

Once a thumbnail sheet is created, the VIEWER makes it easy and pretty "plain" to navigate through folders and zip-archives. Double-click on a thumbnail to open its source (a full-sized original image). You can always get back to your sheet by pressing Escape (or Backspace) button. Mouse wheel cycles through pictures and sheets in current folder. Right click on a thumbnail to open its context menu. You can delete undesired pictures, remake a particular thumbnail without regenerating the whole sheet, substitute a thumbnail automatically or manually, regenerate the whole sheet in one click and much more.

Pictures Thumbnails Maker could also be used for network pictures sharing support. 

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0+ is required to run the program.


Main window

Options window (F2)

Environment window (F3)